Just a quick update. So, what is going on in Web Studio 'Marita' right now? Yeahhh, it's very busy time. Two websites under development, one regarding glass gifts from Scotland, the other – it's kind of surprise, so I'm not going to reveal now. Anyway, I'm very excited about both projects.
I also work on online marketing for Twisted Willow website. The website was a while ago updated about Mother's Day page. They have some bouquets ideas for your mum, but really you should talk to Caroline, bespoke florist in Twisted Willow, since she is able to create the bouquet for you, whatever idea you have. Delivery on 30th of March – Mother's Day – is also available.
Another update & projects details soon.
PL: Witam wszystkich!
Taka szybka aktualizacja. Co się teraz dzieje w Web Studio 'Marita'? Taaak, to bardzo pracowity okres. Dwie strony WWW w budowie, jedna dotyczy szklanych pamiątek ze Szkocji, a druga – tego póki co nie wyjawię. Jestem bardzo podekscytowana tymi projetami.
Kolejna aktualizacja i szczegóły projektów wkrótce.
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