Thursday, 27 November 2014

Web Studio 'Marita' supports local businesses: Ferguson Imaging & Thistle Displays

EN: Hi folks, as you know, Web Studio 'Marita' supports local businesses, and previously I've written here about FRL – Property Maintenance company based in Paisley. See post here >

Today, I want to write about two creative companies also based locally.

First one is Ferguson Imaging – a commercial photography studio in Glasgow area. Murdoch Ferguson is the founder of Ferguson Imaging (established 20 years ago) and the photographer.
Ferguson Imaging specialise in commercial, industrial, corporate, advertising, PR, and event photography. Years of experiences and a passions allow him to be up to date with all the skills and devices. You may see examples of his photography here >

The other creative company is based in Glasgow and called Thistle Displays. They are graphic design agency & large format printing company ‘under one roof’. They specialise in graphic design, branding, logotype; however they are perfect in digital large format printing.
So if you need posters, shop signs, banners, vehicle wrap, exhibition stand, window graphics or anything else, then you must to see the wide range of services offered by Thistle Displays on their website >

As you see both companies are creative, but offers different products, but it doesn’t mean that one can’t use the other services. Considering professional photos taken by Murdoch and used in graphic design by Thistle Displays – the result may be amazing.  

PL: Krótkie podsumowanie w języku polskim:
Ostatnio pisałam o lokalnej firmie: FRL – Property Maintenance, a dziś piszę o kolejnych dwóch, tym razem, kreatywnych firmach na rynku lokalnym. Jedną z nich jest studio fotografii Ferguson Imaging, a drugą Thistle Displays specjalizująca się projektowaniem i drukiem wielkoformatowym. Obie firmy zajmują się czymś innym, ale nie wyklucza to pomiędzy nimi współpracy, gdyż zdjęcia zrobione przez Ferguson Imaging, mogą być wykorzystane w grafikach Thistle Displays i wydrukowane na przykład na banerze, a efekt takiej współpracy może być zadziwiający.

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