Thursday, 27 November 2014

Web Studio 'Marita' supports local businesses: Ferguson Imaging & Thistle Displays

EN: Hi folks, as you know, Web Studio 'Marita' supports local businesses, and previously I've written here about FRL – Property Maintenance company based in Paisley. See post here >

Today, I want to write about two creative companies also based locally.

First one is Ferguson Imaging – a commercial photography studio in Glasgow area. Murdoch Ferguson is the founder of Ferguson Imaging (established 20 years ago) and the photographer.
Ferguson Imaging specialise in commercial, industrial, corporate, advertising, PR, and event photography. Years of experiences and a passions allow him to be up to date with all the skills and devices. You may see examples of his photography here >

The other creative company is based in Glasgow and called Thistle Displays. They are graphic design agency & large format printing company ‘under one roof’. They specialise in graphic design, branding, logotype; however they are perfect in digital large format printing.
So if you need posters, shop signs, banners, vehicle wrap, exhibition stand, window graphics or anything else, then you must to see the wide range of services offered by Thistle Displays on their website >

As you see both companies are creative, but offers different products, but it doesn’t mean that one can’t use the other services. Considering professional photos taken by Murdoch and used in graphic design by Thistle Displays – the result may be amazing.  

PL: Krótkie podsumowanie w języku polskim:
Ostatnio pisałam o lokalnej firmie: FRL – Property Maintenance, a dziś piszę o kolejnych dwóch, tym razem, kreatywnych firmach na rynku lokalnym. Jedną z nich jest studio fotografii Ferguson Imaging, a drugą Thistle Displays specjalizująca się projektowaniem i drukiem wielkoformatowym. Obie firmy zajmują się czymś innym, ale nie wyklucza to pomiędzy nimi współpracy, gdyż zdjęcia zrobione przez Ferguson Imaging, mogą być wykorzystane w grafikach Thistle Displays i wydrukowane na przykład na banerze, a efekt takiej współpracy może być zadziwiający.

Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Web Studio 'Marita' supports local businesses: FRL Property Maintenance (Paisley, Glasgow, Renfrewshire)

EN: Hi folks, today a little bit about a local business that Web Studio 'Marita' cooperates with: FRL Property Maintenance.

As some of you know the company is based in Paisley, but servers Glasgow, Renfrewshire, Ayrshire – just give them a call to check the possibilities (contact details on their website>).

FRL Property Maintenance is a team of qualified & skills workers such as: electricians, plumbers, joiners, decorators, plasterers, painters, gardeners, locksmiths, builders.

As you may see they can care about bunch of problems in your properties or gardens.
Some of you need the repairs urgently, and as far as I know, they are able to help you. If you are a landlord, you are in better positions, since FRL Property Maintenance offers 24 hours Landlords Support.

If you need to repair or decorate anything before Christmas contact FRL Property Maintenance for information, it is still possible that they are able to help you.

Remember to manage your garden before winter then in spring time you will have less work to do, and your garden will be your pride again.

If your fence, roof or gutter requires repair,  – again call FRL Property Maintenance.

Web Studio 'Marita' supports local  businesses and FRL Property Maintenance is one of them.

Wednesday, 19 November 2014

The biggest busines event in Glasgow...

Hi folks, today I want to write a few words about exhibition that took place lately in Glasgow SECC (Scotland). The Scottish Business Exhibition is one of the largest exhibitions in the region, and I  attended this event.

A lot of businesses were presented at this exhibition, and most of them were well prepared for it. What I mean by that? Well, they have designed & printed exhibition stands (a wide range of styles), pop up or roll up banners, posters etc. They also had a sufficient number of leaflets & brochures to give them away to catch the potential clients or co-operators attention. Some of the companies were also handing out printed corporate gadgets.

Visitors had an opportunity to attend the seminars, and improve the skill regarding all the business aspects.

I took some photos, not too much though, since I was occupied & attend some seminars. The quality of these photos is not good, since I’m not professional photographer, but they give you an idea about the event.

By the way, I can also recommend commercial photographer from Glasgow area – Ferguson Imaging, so next time, Murdoch can take the photos of the event, and you can use them for your business marketing, or before the event use the corporate photos to design & print leaflets or brochures.

I think that it is always good to attend this kind of event, and expand our horizons, or conclude cooperation with another firm.

© Photos  – Web Studio Marita

Friday, 14 November 2014

We support local businesses:) | Wspieramy lokalne firmy :)

EN: Another email campaign has been sent recently by  Web Studio 'Marita'. You may see the email here >

Web Studio 'Marita' likes to support local businesses, so this email contains some information about companies based in Glasgow area in Scotland: 

  1. Thistle Displays is a Glasgow based graphic design agency and a large format printing company that recently has printed posters for T in the Park, The Queen Tour in the UK or MTV EMA held in Glasgow. Read more about it here >
  2. Web Studio 'Marita' has recently updated the Baltic Firewood website. Frequently Asked Questions page is added to help Baltic Firewood customers with some doubts they have experienced.
  3. We provide SEO services for Ferguson Imaging website. Murdoch Ferguson – the owner of the Ferguson Imaging studio – is a professional, commercial photographer. Ferguson Imaging is based in Glasgow area, but serves entire Scotland, the UK & Europe.
  4. Special offer is issued now; hurry up offer is valid till 15th of December!
  • Want to subscribe? Email us here >
  • Want to see the email? Click here >
  • Still do not know how does the email campaign work?
    Do not worry, check some explanation here or contact us to receive more detailed information.
  • For any other questions - feel free to ask!
PL: Kolejna kampania e-mailowa została ostatnio wysłała przez  Web Studio 'Marita'. Możesz zobaczyć E-maila HTML tutaj>

Web Studio 'Marita' wspiera lokalne firmy, więc e-mail zawiera informacje na temat firm z obszaru Glasgow w Szkocji: 

  1. Thistle Displays z Glasgow niedawno wydrukowali plakaty na festiwal T in the Park, The Queen Tour w Wielkiej Brytanii lub na galę MTV EMA, która odbyła się w Glasgow. Więcej na ten temat znajdziesz tutaj>
  2. Web Studio 'Marita' ostatnio zaktualizowało stronę internetową Baltic Firewood. Została dodana strona Najczęściej Zadawane Pytania, aby pomóc klientom Baltic Firewood rozwiać ich wątpliwości.
  3. Świadczymy usługi SEO dla strony internetowej Ferguson Imaging. Murdoch Ferguson - właściciel pracowni Ferguson Imaging - to profesjonalny, komercyjny fotograf. Studio Ferguson Imaging znajduję się w okolicach Glasgow, ale świadczy swoje usługi w całej Szkocji, Wielkiej Brytanii, a także w Europie.
  4. Oferta specjalna do 15 grudnia dla klientów z UK.
  • Chcesz otrzymywać e-maile? Napisz do nas tutaj >
  • Chcesz zobaczyć email? Kliknij tutaj >
    Nadal nie wiesz jak działa html e-mail?
    Nie martw się sprawdź wyjaśnienia tutaj lub skontaktuj się z nami, aby otrzymać bardziej szczegółowe wyjaśnienia.
  • Jeśli masz jakiekolwiek inne pytania  nie wahaj sie - pytaj!

Monday, 3 November 2014

Websites redesigned / updated & SEO services | Strony WWW przeprojektowane / uaktualnione i usługi SEO

EN: Web Studio 'Marita' has sent another email campaign this month. You may see the email here >

Websites redesigned / updated & SEO services
  1. Connect Leaflet Distribution website has been redesigned. The Connect Leaflet Distribution works locally in Scotland area & cares about door to door distribution or hand to hand distribution in Glasgow, Edinburgh and many more areas. They also use mapping software which enables them to produce a complete demographic breakdown of each area. Connect Leaflet Distribution also offers design & print services, so take a look on their rejuvenated website.
  2. FRL – Property Maintenance company based in Paisley (Renfrewshire, near Glasgow) has a team of skilled specialists that will take care about your property or garden. So, if you need a plasterer, joiner, plumber, painter, decorator, gardener, locksmith or builder – visit FRL website for more details and contact them.
    Web Studio ‘Marita’ also cares about FRL – Property Maintenance website SEO services:)
  3. Viewbank B&B on Isle of Arran website has been updated: new tariffs are presented, simpler contact form coded, and other changes are applied.
    Viewbank – B&B Guest House  – offers nice & quality rooms with stunning views and serves delicious breakfasts. Visit their website for more details.
  4. Special offer is issued now; hurry up offer is valid till the end of October!
  • Want to subscribe? Email us here >
  • Want to see the email? Click here >
  • Still do not know how does the email campaign work?
    Do not worry, check some explanation here or contact us to receive more detailed information.
  • For any other questions - feel free to ask!
PL: Web Studio 'Marita' wysłało kolejną kampanię e-mailową w tym miesiącu. Możesz zobaczyć E-maila HTML tutaj>

Strony WWW przeprojektowane / uaktualnione i usługi SEO
  1. Strona WWW Connect Leaflet Distribution została przeprojektowana. Connect Leaflet Distribution działa lokalnie na obszarze Szkocji i doręcza ulotki metodą ‘od drzwi do drzwi’ lub ‘z ręki do ręki’ w Glasgow, Edynburgu i wielu innych miastach. Używają oni również oprogramowania do mapowania. Connect Leaflet Distribution oferuje również usługi projektowania i drukowania ulotek, więc zajrzyj na ich odnowioną stronę internetową i sprawdź detale.
  2. FRL – Property Maintenance z siedzibą w Paisley (Renfrewshire, niedaleko Glasgow) posiada zespół wykwalifikowanych specjalistów, którzy zadbają o naprawę budynku czy też uporządkują ogród. Tak więc, jeśli potrzebujesz tynkarza, stolarza, hydraulika, malarza, dekoratora, ogrodnika, ślusarza lub budowniczego, to odwiedź stronę internetową FRL po więcej szczegółów i dane kontaktowe.
    Web Studio 'Marita' dba o usługi SEO na stronie WWW FRL – Property Maintenance :)
  3. Stronie  Internetowa Viewbank (B&B na wyspie of Arran) została zaktualizowana: nowe taryfy są przedstawiane, prostszy formularz kontaktowy oraz  inne zmiany zostały wprowadzone.
    Viewbank - B&B Guest House – oferuje ładne pokoje o wysokiej jakości z pięknymi widokami i serwuje pyszne śniadania. Odwiedź ich stronę internetową po więcej szczegółów.
  4. Oferta specjalna do końca października dla klientów z UK.
  • Chcesz otrzymywać e-maile? Napisz do nas tutaj >
  • Chcesz zobaczyć email? Kliknij tutaj >
    Nadal nie wiesz jak działa html e-mail?
    Nie martw się sprawdź wyjaśnienia tutaj lub skontaktuj się z nami, aby otrzymać bardziej szczegółowe wyjaśnienia.
  • Jeśli masz jakiekolwiek inne pytania  nie wahaj sie - pytaj!